5 children die daily because of child abuse and it is our goal to eradicate this crisis.
Childhelp is combating the sweeping issue of child abuse through a multi-tiered approach that focuses on prevention, intervention, treatment legislation. We’ve helped over 10 million children and invest 92 cents for every dollar donated into serving those children in need.
Child abuse impacts our society every day, not just during April Child Abuse Awareness Month. You can help provide resources to those in need across the country through our campaign offerings. Just a small amount of change or a $1 donation from your customers can add up to make a big difference and change lives.
72% of consumers have donated to charity at the register and 65% of consumers feel positively about the retailer after giving.
(Catalist’s Revelations at the Register)
93% of employees surveyed want to work for a company that cares and 74% say their job is more fulfilling when they are provided opportunities to make a positive impact at work.
(Cone Communications Study)
Consumers are asked if they would like to make a donation for a set dollar amount.
A payroll deduction plan is an easy and seamless way to make a big difference.
Consumers are asked if they would like to round up their purchase to the nearest dollar increment.
New toys and clothes are collected to aid children who are visting a Childhelp facility. View our current list of needed items here.
In place of monetary support, think about activating the services and strengths of your business to help support our cause.
Consider holding your own event through your business, organization, community group, school or club. Find additional resources here for your convenience.
Collaborate with us on innovative campaigns that support our Childhelp Speak Up Be Safe prevention education and our intervention program, Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline.
Think about investing in the bright futures of our children, the environment that helps them thrive and the remarkable therapies that shape their lives. Invest in hope.